Juliet's Floral Gallery
My Favourite Shot - The Beautiful Arium Lilly


My Favourite Shot - The Beautiful Arium Lilly | My Little Bit Of England | Wisley | Flowers From Portugal | The Fauna!

This picture has it all, and is probably one of my best. The lillies look totally sublime, and almost unreal, but I can assure you that they are. The back drop of the reeds and stream tell a tale of the lilly's habitation, and you can almost imagine seeing a plump green frog hot footing it after a princess, yearning for a kiss and transformation into a prince.

The shot itself was taken at the Royal Horticultural Society's gardens at Wisley in Surrey. More of the photo's taken that day can be seen on the page 'Wisley'. If you love photographing flowers, here you will find yourself in picky heaven!

Arium Lillies

Arium Lillies, what perfection.